Childbirth Kingston has been an independent source of Childbirth Education in the local community for over 50 years! It is the result of years of passion work by so many people!
​We have always offered education around Birth and have recently expanded our classes to include Postpartum, Infant feeding, and focused Comfort Measures. Our Educators are all Doulas and we commit to staying on the forefront of evidence-based research in order to deliver the full range of options to encourage Informed Decision Making and Consent.
We view CBE (Childbirth Education) and Doulas as two sides of the same coin. CBE will present you with a broad view of the Physiology of Birth and will help you build your preferences and goals for your Birth/Postpartum. Doulas, however, are with you in the moment to back up those preferences and goals. Childbirth Kingston has always been linked to Doulas, and we have an active Doula Registry page.
Check out the local Doulas accepting clients in your area! ​
Our Philosophy:
CBK's roots were cultivated in the belief that Birth is a physiological process, and supporting a pregnant person goes beyond what is discussed in standard prenatal appointments and care.
Our aim is to educate with balanced information that promotes true Informed Decision Making in your choices for care.
How a Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum unfold is so unique to the birther + baby dyad, that we understand without question that there is no one size fits all approach. We offer a full spectrum of options and choices, and do not advocate for one way of birthing.
We instead want you to have the knowledge and Advocacy tools that will help you navigate this journey your own way!

“Birth Doulaing - The act of educating, loving, respecting, listening, embracing, advocating for, and assisting a person prenatally during labour, childbirth and after”
"Birth is not only about making babies. It is also about making parents. Strong, competent, capable parents who trust themselves and their inner strength."
- Barbara Katz Rothman